
Welcome friend!

Do you struggle to cast your anxieties on Christ in today’s fast-paced world, where a culture of comparison, constant pressure to succeed, and inescapable negativity leave you weighed down with overwhelming anxiety?

Have you been told that you “just need more faith” when your anxiety spirals into physical symptoms that stop you in your tracks?

I’m so glad you’re here! I know what it’s like to walk in your shoes, and I’m here to assure you that you don’t have to power through this journey to overcome anxiety on your own.

I’m Renée Gotcher, a recovering perfectionist and Type-A overachiever who was stripped of my “superpowers” by debilitating physical anxiety twelve years ago. And like you, I’ve fought hard to prove that my faith was strong enough to free myself from anxiety’s grip.

But God met me amid my striving to outrun the dark clouds of anxiety and taught me to slow down, receive His provision, and rest in His grace, sustaining me through creation-inspired conversations with Him.

On my blog The Pace of Grace, I invite you to stop striving to overcome anxiety alone and allow God to show you how to walk at His pace on the path to healing.

Along the way, you’ll learn how to relieve anxiety, restore peace, and revive hope daily by communing with Christ in His truth-declaring creation while you walk.

Are you ready to join me? Start by downloading your FREE Five-Minute Walking Reflections Journal. Just enter your email below to receive your free journal!

Walk With Him at The Pace of Grace!

Are you ready to step outside with your Creator? Sign up below to get your FREE copy of my Five-Minute Walking Reflections Journal!
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