About Renée

My Journey

I'm Renée Gotcher—a wife of 29 years, a formerly homeschooling mama to three dynamic daughters (the youngest leaving the nest for college this fall), and an outdoor-loving Colorado transplant who has been freelance writing and editing since leaving the corporate journalism world in 2003.

I'm also a recovering perfectionist and Type-A overachiever who was stripped of my “superpowers” by debilitating physical anxiety twelve years ago.

Back then, I fought hard to prove that my faith was strong enough to free myself from anxiety’s grip. But God met me amid my striving to outrun anxiety's dark clouds and taught me to slow down, receive His provision, and rest in His grace, sustaining me through creation-inspired conversations with Him.

I discovered that stepping outside for stress-relieving walks with my Savior provided both peace and perspective to navigate the most turbulent times.

On my blog The Pace of Grace, I invite you to stop striving to overcome anxiety alone and allow God to show you how to walk at His pace on the path to healing. Along the way, you’ll learn how to relieve anxiety, restore peace, and revive hope daily by communing with Christ in His truth-declaring creation on your walks.

Are you ready to join me? Start by downloading your FREE Five-Minute Walking Reflections Journal and head over to The Pace of Grace blog.

For more about my editorial experience, visit my professional journey page.
