Published Works
When God Says His Grace is Enough
By Renée Gotcher
In 2 Corinthians 12:8, the persevering apostle Paul made a very reasonable request to the Lord: “Concerning this thing [a thorn in the flesh], I pleaded with the Lord three times that it might depart from me.” It seemed like the obvious solution. Yet the Lord had a different answer for Paul—removing the “thorn” was…
Read More ButterflyLiving Life Changing Stories Coming Soon
By Renée Gotcher
It’s time to announce that the book I was blessed to collaborate on, ButterflyLiving Life-Changing Stories, will be released next month, so stay tuned for launch details! I’m so grateful to my She Speaks sister in Christ Mary Armand for giving me this opportunity to join her and 32 other gifted authors in creating a collection of…
Read More Collaboration News on the Horizon
By Renée Gotcher
I promised more to my She Speaks story—and I will be sharing more VERY soon—but today I just wanted to give a shoutout of gratitude to my She Speaks sister in Christ Mary Armand! Mary was one of my first new friends at She Speaks 2022, and now I’m blessed to be collaborating with her,…
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