Monday Mind Renewal
Can God Work Even This for Good?
By Renée Gotcher
I couldn’t tell you how many times I have prayed Paul’s words from the perspective-shifting promise found in Romans 8:28 while struggling to stay afloat in overwhelming storms. Believing that our sovereign God works all things (not just some) together (not separately) for His purposes provides the soul-steadying peace we need to sustain us until…
Read More When God Says His Grace is Enough
By Renée Gotcher
In 2 Corinthians 12:8, the persevering apostle Paul made a very reasonable request to the Lord: “Concerning this thing [a thorn in the flesh], I pleaded with the Lord three times that it might depart from me.” It seemed like the obvious solution. Yet the Lord had a different answer for Paul—removing the “thorn” was…
Read More Why Meditating on God’s Word Matters
By Renée Gotcher
A few weeks ago, I shared about the “key verses” note I started on my phone last fall, during a resurfacing struggle with physical anxiety symptoms. At that time, I couldn’t control how my body felt from day to day, sometimes minute to minute, but I knew I could control where I put my mind’s…
Read More Are You Worried You’re Not Strong Enough?
By Renée Gotcher
Are you struggling to believe God isn’t disappointed with you because you aren’t “strong enough” to face the ongoing crisis you woke up to today? Do you feel like a failure because you’re caught up in the same battering storm, and no matter how hard you try to swim to safety, you’re far from peaceful…
Read More Are You Struggling With Motivation?
By Renée Gotcher
Do you dread seeing the words #motivationmonday pop up on your social media feed at the start of a new week? Maybe you are still weighed down by what you didn’t finish or fix last week. Or maybe you’re worried you won’t be able to stem the tide of to-dos on this week’s list. Or…
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