Are You Waiting for the Divine Green Light?

As I’ve continued to process all the wise words and practical advice shared at She Speaks 2023, one quote comes to the forefront almost daily, courtesy of the dynamic author and spoken poetry artist Hosanna Wong. Hosanna was a new speaker to me and clearly gifted at communicating God’s truth in words that captivate and penetrate deeply. Her session on “How (Not) to Share Your Story” was filled with MANY stand-out statements.
Her thought-provoking call started like this:
“So this is my question for all of us that might struggle with this thing, waiting for the perfect opportunity, the perfect open door, waiting to have 30 blog posts ready before you post one, waiting to have 20 podcasts ready and the perfect branding before you start at all. At what point are we disobeying God?”
~Hosanna Wong, She Speaks ‘23
I bet I’m not the only one who felt like Hosanna was talking directly to them—one on one—saying, “Listen, sister, God has a message for you.” And I’m sure many besides me knew they needed to hear it. Just being at She Speaks was one step of obedience for me. But was I ready for the next?
Truthfully, I have allowed the idea of “perfect” to keep me from moving forward more times than I would like to admit. I have sat idling in the intersection of where I could comfortably go (or stay) and where God is directing me to go. I’ve waited for that divine green light, letting my fear of failure and deep insecurities keep me from moving even as God continues to call me to trust Him with the wheel and start.
Reminded of Hosanna’s words through several nudges from the Lord this week, I finally stepped on the gas. I started a new Instagram account—@thepaceofgrace_reneegotcher—where I plan to post about the transformation I experienced as I began to step outside my front door for sacred walks with my Savior to relieve anxiety, restore peace, and revive hope during a desperate season. I will also be sharing those posts here, and you’ll be able to subscribe to receive them delivered via email.
My prayer is that other weary, worried, and wounded souls seeking relief from life’s overwhelming pace or dealing with mental health struggles will be encouraged to begin casting every care upon Christ in a setting where He designed our minds and bodies to find healing—in His creation. Will you join me there?