Transforming Truth Devotionals

Trusting God With Our Best-Laid Plans

Trusting God With Our Best-Laid Plans

Transforming Truth: “Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the LORD that will stand.” —Proverbs 19:21 ESV I was happy to see a familiar face behind the customer service counter as I hopped into line at our local Hobby Lobby. This sweet young lady had checked…
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Consider the Sunflowers

Consider the Sunflowers

Thanks to record-breaking rainfall in June, the fields I walk past in my neighborhood have flourished green and now abound with colorful wildflowers. The ones that captivate me most are the vibrant yellow sunflowers, which have grown impressively tall this year. On a recent walk, I stopped to take photos to document their dramatic growth.…
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