The Pace of Grace Blog

short walks benefit mental health

Short Nature Walks Can Benefit Mental Health

Did you know research confirms that short nature walks benefit mental health? Recent studies also report that consistent walking—and specifically walking in nature—provides significant mental health benefits to those experiencing depression and anxiety symptoms. An article published in Medical News Today last summer reported that a short walk each day could reduce depression symptoms. Researchers…
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Can God Work This for My Good

Can God Work Even This for Good?

I couldn’t tell you how many times I have prayed Paul’s words from the perspective-shifting promise found in Romans 8:28 while struggling to stay afloat in overwhelming storms. Believing that our sovereign God works all things (not just some) together (not separately) for His purposes provides the soul-steadying peace we need to sustain us until…
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How to Be Thankful for the Thorn of Anxiety Headline

How to Be Thankful for the Thorn of Anxiety

Have you been pleading with the Lord to remove a “thorn” from your life? Are you wrestling with unanswered prayers, struggling to understand why God won’t remove the thorn when you could be so much more productive and effective without this affliction holding you back? In my post “How to Be Thankful for the Thorn…
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Book Review: Jesus, Calm My Heart

I have enjoyed the inspiring prayers and personal application of Ruth Schwenk’s prayer prompts journal, “Jesus, Calm My Heart: 365 Prayers to Give You Peace at the Close of Every Day.” Having followed Ruth on social media, I’m familiar with her prayer prompts, and on many occasions, I’ve been one of the women she talks…
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When God Says His Grace is Enough

In 2 Corinthians 12:8, the persevering apostle Paul made a very reasonable request to the Lord: “Concerning this thing [a thorn in the flesh], I pleaded with the Lord three times that it might depart from me.” It seemed like the obvious solution. Yet the Lord had a different answer for Paul—removing the “thorn” was…
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Why Meditating on God’s Word Matters

A few weeks ago, I shared about the “key verses” note I started on my phone last fall, during a resurfacing struggle with physical anxiety symptoms. At that time, I couldn’t control how my body felt from day to day, sometimes minute to minute, but I knew I could control where I put my mind’s…
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Are You Worried You’re Not Strong Enough?

Are you struggling to believe God isn’t disappointed with you because you aren’t “strong enough” to face the ongoing crisis you woke up to today? Do you feel like a failure because you’re caught up in the same battering storm, and no matter how hard you try to swim to safety, you’re far from peaceful…
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Are You Struggling With Motivation?

Do you dread seeing the words #motivationmonday pop up on your social media feed at the start of a new week? Maybe you are still weighed down by what you didn’t finish or fix last week. Or maybe you’re worried you won’t be able to stem the tide of to-dos on this week’s list. Or…
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short walks benefit mental health

Will Time Outside Improve Your Mental Health?

Would it surprise you to learn the average American spends more than 7 hours looking at a screen each day? (DataReportal 2022 Global Overview Report). Or maybe that doesn’t surprise you? Do you find yourself inclined to retreat at home to reduce stressful daily interactions, taking care of as much as you can with the…
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Consider the Sunflowers

Consider the Sunflowers

Thanks to record-breaking rainfall in June, the fields I walk past in my neighborhood have flourished green and now abound with colorful wildflowers. The ones that captivate me most are the vibrant yellow sunflowers, which have grown impressively tall this year. On a recent walk, I stopped to take photos to document their dramatic growth.…
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Are You Waiting for the Divine Green Light?

Are You Waiting for the Divine Green Light?

As I’ve continued to process all the wise words and practical advice shared at She Speaks 2023, one quote comes to the forefront almost daily, courtesy of the dynamic author and spoken poetry artist Hosanna Wong. Hosanna was a new speaker to me and clearly gifted at communicating God’s truth in words that captivate and…
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Butterfly Living Life Changing Series

ButterflyLiving Life Changing Stories Coming Soon

It’s time to announce that the book I was blessed to collaborate on, ButterflyLiving Life-Changing Stories, will be released next month, so stay tuned for launch details! I’m so grateful to my She Speaks sister in Christ Mary Armand for giving me this opportunity to join her and 32 other gifted authors in creating a collection of…
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