Considering Homeschooling? Trust Your Calling
By Renée Gotcher
Recently a good friend of mine surprised me by asking if we could get together to talk about homeschooling. I wasn’t surprised that she might consider it, but I was surprised by the timing and eagerness to get it all figured out right now — months before the school year’s end. My friend summed up…
Read More Defining Your Homeschool Mission: It’s More Than Your “Why”
By Renée Gotcher
As a homeschooler, I’m used to being asked “why” on a regular basis — why did we decide to homeschool? It’s not a difficult question to answer, because we wouldn’t be homeschooling if my husband and I weren’t clear about why. However, knowing your “why” is just the beginning. Your “why” helped you decide to homeschool. Deciding how to…
Read More Saying Goodbye to Superwoman
By Renée Gotcher
When I began homeschooling in 2010, I was surprised how many of my non-homeschooling mom friends commended me for my decision. “You homeschool? Oh, that’s so great — you are so amazing to be doing that.” Or… “Wow, you must be really patient — I know I could never get my kid(s) to let me…
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