A New Chapter

Are You Oversharing About Your Marriage on Social Media?

The idea of “oversharing” has taken on a whole new meaning in a social media world. How often are the subjects of your Facebook or Instagram posts things that you would never share or involve your friends in if not for a social media platform tempting you to instantly share? Much of the oversharing on social media…
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Finding Freedom in God’s Design for our Marriage

Thanks to the encouragement of a wise wife and mother who spoke to our homeschool support group recently, I got some clarification about what God’s Word says regarding God’s design for marriage and the purpose of our individual roles as husband and wife. As with most principles in God’s Word, the Holy Spirit wants to reveal more to…
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Is Your Mama Heart Weary With Anxiety? Let Go: God’s Got This!

“Wait on the LORD; be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart; wait, I say, on the LORD!” — Psalm 27:14 Trusting God and waiting on His answers has always been challenging for me as a Type A recovering perfectionist mama. However, I have learned through navigating some fierce life storms how vital God’s instructions are to our heart strength and even…
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Considering Homeschooling? Trust Your Calling

Recently a good friend of mine surprised me by asking if we could get together to talk about homeschooling. I wasn’t surprised that she might consider it, but I was surprised by the timing and eagerness to get it all figured out right now — months before the school year’s end. My friend summed up…
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Defining Your Homeschool Mission: It’s More Than Your “Why”

As a homeschooler, I’m used to being asked “why” on a regular basis — why did we decide to homeschool? It’s not a difficult question to answer, because we wouldn’t be homeschooling if my husband and I weren’t clear about why. However, knowing your “why” is just the beginning. Your “why” helped you decide to homeschool. Deciding how to…
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Saying Goodbye to Superwoman

When I began homeschooling in 2010, I was surprised how many of my non-homeschooling mom friends commended me for my decision. “You homeschool? Oh, that’s so great — you are so amazing to be doing that.” Or… “Wow, you must be really patient — I know I could never get my kid(s) to let me…
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To Work or to Play? That is the question.

It’s an absolutely gorgeous, 60s and sunny Sunday afternoon, and after almost two weeks of snow and frigid temperatures, my girls know exactly what they should do today — play outside! But for some reason, I’m still in the house, struggling with one of my most recurring personal dilemmas: To work or to play? Should…
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A New Chapter

“But now, O LORD, you are our Father; we are the clay, and you, our Potter; and we all are the work of your hand.” — Isaiah 64:8 Every life has a story to tell. It’s not just a simple cliché: It’s an undeniable fact. We all get from point “a” (birth) to an eventual…
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